Sports are organized physical activities and competitions. These fulfill the need for physical fitness and competition. Almost all sports are competitive. This is the main difference between recreational, leisure, or fitness and sports.
Sports refer to organized physical exertion. This can be divided into exercise, such as playing baseball, softball, tennis, swimming, running, cycling, hiking, football, soccer etc; and contact sport, such as field sports, wrestling, boxing, wrestling etc. Sport involves exertion of energy in contrast to exercise, which involves the use of muscles. In contact sports, there is no requirement to move the body at any point of time during the game, unlike in exercises where the entire body undergoes exertion.
The meaning of sport can also be related to a particular activity. For instance, if an individual refers to motor sports, it implies a particular physical activity, such as motor racing, motorboat sailing, horse-riding, and motorbike riding. Similarly, the meaning of sport can be associated to a particular game, for instance, ice hockey, rugby, basketball, and golf. In most cases, the meaning of sport will also be inclusive of any physical activity that occurs during play. A sport can be considered as an event in which participants engage in a particular competition or activity, or attempt to complete a course of action.
Sports have become more than just physical activities; they have become a major source of enjoyment and social interaction. The term “sports” actually has a lot of historical roots, going back as far as the ancient Greek and Roman societies. Today, people’s love for sports has developed into a wide variety of activities, including participation in organized sports like basketball, golf, tennis, softball, motor racing, and sailing. Furthermore, participation in any type of competitive physical activity contributes significantly towards overall health.
As defined above, there are many different types of sports, but they all require some degree of physical dexterity, athletic ability, mental alertness, and other necessary qualities. Additionally, the definition of “sports” itself has expanded since its original use to encompass any physical activity involving contact with one another. Today, professional sports competitions include boxing, football, ice skating, soccer, swimming, fencing, track and field, motor racing, wrestling, surfing, beach volleyball, and other competitive physical activity.
The International Olympic Committee (IOC) defines sports as “the application of physical exertion by two or more persons engaged in a game of competitive conditions under uniform and rules.” The Olympic committee further describes each event in detail, including any restrictions on the wearing of protective equipment and any special dress code. The Olympic charter includes a specific definition of the events’ technical details, which further describes the meaning of the term. For example, the charter requires that all athletes participating in the Olympic Games be covered by a uniform, with the addition that “a logo representing the national sports organization which has been authorized by the Olympic Committee,” and that all competitors be uniformed “provided that no skin patches or other decorations interfere with the recognition of the athlete.” These requirements have been repeatedly expanded since the Olympic Games began, and now includes a wide variety of additional events beyond the Olympic Games.